Magenta tiger eye treated
Magenta tiger eye treated
Magenta tiger eye, also known as treated tiger eye, is a variety of tiger eye gemstone that has undergone a treatment process to alter its color to a vibrant magenta hue. Tiger eye is typically golden brown in its natural state, but through treatments such as heat or dyeing, it can be transformed into various colors, including magenta.
It's important to note that while treated tiger eye can be visually striking, the treatment process may affect the stone's natural properties and durability. Additionally, the color of treated tiger eye may not be as stable or permanent as natural tiger eye.
Spiritually, magenta tiger eye shares some of the metaphysical properties associated with traditional golden brown tiger eye, such as protection, grounding, and clarity of thought. However, since treated gemstones may have different energetic qualities than their natural counterparts, it's advisable to work with treated tiger eye with awareness and caution.
When purchasing a magenta tiger eye bracelet or any treated gemstone jewelry, it's recommended to inquire about the treatment process and any potential implications on the stone's properties. Additionally, it's essential to care for treated gemstones properly to maintain their appearance and integrity over time.